Thursday, September 29, 2016

Have You Heard About The Traveling Salesman...

     ...who every night had to stay in a cheap room to save money.  One very hot night, the heat in the room was so stifling he could not sleep and he had endured a great many difficult situations in the past...noisy exposed metal bed springs, rats, icicles, loud voices, dreadful smells, he had managed to get some sleep in them all.  This room, however, made him feel that he was deep inside of a furnace.

     He had tried opening the single window when he had first entered the room, but it was screwed shut.  Desperate for some cool outside air, without turning on a light, it would just make the room hotter, he threw one of his shoes at the window and was rewarded by the sound of breaking and falling glass.

     "Ah~h, how good that cool air feels," he said aloud, "now I'll be able to sleep."  And he did.

     Awakening refreshed, he made a baffling discover, his thrown shoe had not broken the window, the shards of glass were on the top of the dresser from that shattered mirror.
~ ~ ~
     Many times through my childhood, my father related this true story to illustrate the power of the mind.

     In the mid 1900's, the famous minister of Marble Collegiate Church on 5th Avenue in New York City, Dr. Norman Vincent Peale authored a book whose title The Power of Positive Thinking has entered the popular culture and is often used by a wide variety of people.

Our minds propelled by a strong purpose
can achieve amazing results.


Greetings: I have based many of these monthly writings on quotes from family and friends.  What meaningful quotes have your family and/or friends said that you can share?  Email the quote(s) and a sentence or two concerning each, plus your name, town and state to

Copyright 2016

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