Wednesday, December 14, 2016

What Is The Connection Between Christmas And A Cat...

...on the beach?  Sandy Claws, of course.  Two hundred years ago (i.e. long ago) while purchasing a few Christmas items at various stores, I turned on my car's radio and just happened to encounter this gem.  At home, I had the good sense to promptly write the riddle, (it is not a joke) on the next year's calendar on the December page, which I did for several years until it became a part of my memory.  Unless someone has a cat, I keep this exclusively for December.

     In this time of anticipation, as well as trepidation, gentle humor is needed especially this month so I offer these to you.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
     It has been said that if there had been three Wise Women, instead of Three Wise Men, that they would have asked directions, arrived at the stable in time to clean it, had a large cloth to cover the opening to the stable (said to be a cave), delivered baby Jesus and brought with them appropriate gifts of food and baby things.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
     I have always been amazed that no one mentions the large manger in the stable, the Bible clearly states that when the Wise Men arrived at the stable, "They found Mary, Joseph and the baby in the manger."  The manger must have been big to have held the three of them.  Nice for Mary to lie down to rest, unusual to have the new father lie down after the birth of his baby, but he probably needed the rest after having to deliver the baby without ever seeing it done.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
     Someone asked Mary and Joseph why they always looked so sad in the paintings of them.
     "Because," replied Joseph, "we really wanted a girl."
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
     That reminds me that in a section of a magazine of true happenings sent in by readers were two that are appropriate here.  ~ An advertising agency employee reported that his company had done a print ad for a new company that featured the Holy Family.  After submitting the ad, he had received a telephone call from the company rejecting the ad.  The reason given was,
"This is an up-to-date, modern company, we don't want copies of paintings, get photographs."
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
     I have always found baffling the often heard friendly remark said by many people to friends, acquaintances and strangers, "If I don't see you, have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year."  This implies that if, perchance, they do see each other, to have an un-merry Christmas and an un-happy New Year.  Stranger.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
     The other true story was submitted by the friend of a teaching nun with a class of first graders.  She asked, "What is the name of the mother of Jesus?"
     "Mary," all the children chorused.
     "What is the name of the father of Jesus?"
     There was no response as the children sat quietly thinking, then one boy said excitedly, "I know, I know, Verge..."
     "Verge?" asked the baffled nun.
     "Yes," replied the boy, "Everybody knows that, Verge and Mary."

~ So these are my Gifts To You ~

Be certain to relate these to other people.


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Tuesday, November 22, 2016

A Holiday To Remember

     Although my close family has passed on (mother and sister each by their doctors) I shall still be sharing Thanksgiving with my parents and my only sibling, my sister Nancy ~ in memory.

     Each year, I decide upon awaking that morning where I am going to go ~ will I be a young child again spending the day with Aunt Annelyle and Uncle Herbert in their large, gracious house with a dining room table that could easily seat twenty-two guests plus aunt at its head with uncle at its foot, and it did on special occasions.

     I had thought that I might spend Thanksgiving in Connecticut this year, but now that I have begun to remember, I will start on an early Thanksgiving with Aunt Annelyle.

     This time, I start with getting in the car, "What kind of car was it?"  I ask my Memory.

     Memory says, "Remember the photo albums."

     It was an excellent suggestion, I turn mental pages until I find on a right side page, near the top, a photo of the four of us in a stylish, for that era, black car arriving at grandparents house, we all look happy.  I savor this new-old memory.

     Can I remember the hour's drive there, not really, but I was about seven then and that was one hundred years ago.

     Golden Rules for any family or friends dinner or gathering that were always strictly enforced was that: 
     1 ~ Only one person could speak at a time on a subject of interest to everyone and that many, if not all, people could add to the subject.  
     2 ~ Taboo subjects were any forms of politics.  
     3 ~ No talk of religion, beyond the Blessing of the food, the occasion and the people gathered.
     4 ~ No mention of anything bathroom related, except in one instance, about a young child in the bathtub with his rubber ducky.
     5 ~ No talk of illness, hospitals or medical.
     6 ~ No criticism.
     7 ~ No loud talking.
     8 ~ Of course, good table manners, no elbows on table or talking while chewing.

     Firm in my memory is the welcoming, the comradely with both the adults and the other well-behaved children.  We were served dinner in the handsome library two steps down from the dining room, french doors separated the two areas.  Board games were supplied after we children ate.  

     When the adults finished their five course meal, everyone went into the large living room for the entertainment ~ supplied by each guest, who knew several weeks prior to the day, a requirement to accepting the invitation.  I will save the details of that part for this year's Thanksgiving day.

     With or without an actual place to be or to go, you, also can travel in memory back to any era of your life.

     With imagination, you can create a new scenario, you can remove unpleasant people from the past or add a new charming one.  You can borrow from a scene in a movie, or a book as long as it is a happy, gentle conversation (no talk of politics) appreciative of the person who has prepared the food and for all that you are thankful for this year.

I Rejoice In My Excellent Memory 
And All The Happy Holidays Of The Past


Greetings: I have based many of these monthly writings on quotes from family and friends.  What meaningful quotes have your family, friends or you said that you can share?  Email the quote(s) and a sentence or two concerning each, plus your name, town and state to and the best way to reach you.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Have You Thanked Your Computer Today And

     ...all things in your life?

     As a young child, you were probably taught the importance of having good manners, especially of saying ~ thank you ~ so that now it is automatic for anyone who has been helpful to you.

     When dogs have a ball thrown for them and are told to "Bring it back" and the dogs do so, they are usually patted, then thanked.

     Yet there is a huge category of ~ Beings ~ completely disregarded by the majority of the world's peoples, that is so-called "inanimate objects." 

     Even helpful Beings used many times a day are not thanked, despite what is generally thought, they have feelings too and appreciate being thanked.

     Before I purchased Calvin, my first computer, Christine was doing special book typing for me on her computer.  One day, she telephoned to say that her computer had been "acting up" and that she was having major problems with the "damn thing," surprising words from mild, mannered Christine.

     I asked her if she had ever asked her computer its name, she said that she had not thought to do so.  I explained that in a quiet alone time, she should relax, with a blank screen on the monitor, gently stoke a side of the screen saying and meaning it, "I regret that I have never asked you your name."  She said hesitantly that she would try it.  
     Later that day, after repeated difficulties with her computer, she decided to follow my suggestion.  She waited, did mind-relaxing, then suddenly clearly heard, "My name is Penelope."  A disbelieving Christine thanked Penelope, put her words on the screen saver.  Penelope immediatly healed and had a long life.

     Tomorrow morning say hello and thank you to your tooth brush.  I just noticed, tooth means one, why not ~ teeth brush?  Perhaps, it originated with the man who could only see singles and also named foot and eye doctors ~ when it should obviously be Feet and Eyes doctors.

     Have you thanked the unknown persons who invented the first and the current toilet and this marvelous Being itself?  Do you know that early versions of flush toilets existed since the 31st century B.C. in Britain?  The Romans had their also clever versions.  Englishman, Sir John Harington developed the early version of the modern flush toilet in 1596.  Many people initially did not want to use them thinking that it was unsanitary to have a "water closet" inside a house.  Some of this information came from Wikipedia, go to that site for interesting information about this important Being.

     Have you thanked your Bed, a Picture on your living room wall, your House, your Car, the Bus that is there for you when you need it, the tall Tree that shades your house from the summer's sun ~ each morning plan to thank at least five Beings.

     When something finishes, do not swear at it as so many people do, thank it for all it has done for you and all that it will continue to do in its recycled future.

All The Beings In My Life
Regardless Of Purpose, Size Or Age
Appreciate That I Thank Each Of Them


Greetings: I have based many of these monthly writings on quotes from family and friends.  What meaningful quotes have your family, friends or you said that you can share?  Email the quote(s) and a sentence or two concerning each, plus your name, town and state to and the best way to reach you.

Copyright 2016

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Have You Heard About The Traveling Salesman...

     ...who every night had to stay in a cheap room to save money.  One very hot night, the heat in the room was so stifling he could not sleep and he had endured a great many difficult situations in the past...noisy exposed metal bed springs, rats, icicles, loud voices, dreadful smells, he had managed to get some sleep in them all.  This room, however, made him feel that he was deep inside of a furnace.

     He had tried opening the single window when he had first entered the room, but it was screwed shut.  Desperate for some cool outside air, without turning on a light, it would just make the room hotter, he threw one of his shoes at the window and was rewarded by the sound of breaking and falling glass.

     "Ah~h, how good that cool air feels," he said aloud, "now I'll be able to sleep."  And he did.

     Awakening refreshed, he made a baffling discover, his thrown shoe had not broken the window, the shards of glass were on the top of the dresser from that shattered mirror.
~ ~ ~
     Many times through my childhood, my father related this true story to illustrate the power of the mind.

     In the mid 1900's, the famous minister of Marble Collegiate Church on 5th Avenue in New York City, Dr. Norman Vincent Peale authored a book whose title The Power of Positive Thinking has entered the popular culture and is often used by a wide variety of people.

Our minds propelled by a strong purpose
can achieve amazing results.


Greetings: I have based many of these monthly writings on quotes from family and friends.  What meaningful quotes have your family and/or friends said that you can share?  Email the quote(s) and a sentence or two concerning each, plus your name, town and state to

Copyright 2016

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Like Olympic Champions, Plan To Win, Not Just To Do Your Best

     The Olympics has generated numerous interesting programs on radio, television and online media.  During these programs, there have often been interviews with both Olympics champions and their coaches.

     Repeatedly heard was, "I never said that I would do my best, I always said I'd win the race." 

     Coaches said, "To be champions, they have to constantly think and say that they will win, that they are the best."

     The champion athletes set goals, affirmed for them and work to them.  It is usually said that one works "towards" her/his goals, however, the word "towards" does not indicate that one has reached the goal or even that she/he ever really anticipated doing so.

     These are certainly not the people who say, "I just take one day at a time and try to get through it."  (delete, delete)  "I'm lucky if I can get a week planned."  (delete, delete).

     This day-by-day attitude is a tread-water situation that while basically keeping one afloat, achieves little.  Those who swim to a boat or to the shore have sought their goal and achieved it.

     So determine your goals daily, monthly as well as "By this time next year, I will have achieved..."

Think and say Goal affirmations regularly,
knowing that to do so will
allow them to become true.


Greetings: I have based many of these monthly writings on quotes from family and friends.  What meaningful quotes have your family and/or friends said that you can share?  Email the quote(s) and a sentence or two concerning each, plus your name, town and state to

Copyright 2016

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Are You Making Yourself Sick?

     On a call-in radio program recently, a woman said, "Although, I'm sick, I just had to call to tell you that I am sick and tired of all the yelling the candidates are doing, I am really tired of it!  Neither one of them is acting with the dignity and good manners for a president.  I am sick and tired of it all!"

     Most likely, this woman does not have the slightest idea that she is strongly affirming for health conditions she would not want.  
     The woman is unknowingly experiencing the power of affirmations, repeatedly said words become reality.

     Strange is that she has not listened to herself, to her own words.  If someone were to call it to her attention, she would probably say as numerous other people have done and do ~ "Oh, its just an expression, it doesn't mean anything."

     What is so difficult to understand about the simple word ~ sick, even young children know the meaning of that word as well as the equally as obvious word ~ tired.  Most children have personally experienced the condition that those words describe and know that they are undesirable.  Where between childhood and adulthood had common sense departed?

     I am an expert on this subject because of the many unwanted conditions and situations that resulted from my previously said "ill chosen" words.

     Frank is an intelligent man with numerous talents including being a gifted healer.  There was one unnecessary word that he often used even when he gave talks.

     I was just beginning to understand the power of words. I pondered his often used word, an idea came into my mind, a question to ask Frank, a very personal question, I did not know him very well, did I dare?  I decided that God had given me this knowledge for a reason and therefore that I did not have a choice.

       Taking a deep breather, I telephoned Frank and after telling him my name, I put the expected question aside and said it as a statement instead, "You have a continuing problem with constipation, I know because of what you regularly and often say."

     "Well, yes," he said hesitantly, "but I certainly don't want it so what could I possibly be saying?"
     "You are using the word ~ damn ~ and when it is said, it could be d~a~m, which means to stop anything behind it from continuing.  Your body knows that this is a condition that you must really want because you say it so often."

     "Are you sure that I use the word a lot, I don't remember..."

  "Stop, never put the words, 'I don't' in front of the word...remember... that is also an affirmation and you want to always keep your memory and mind in excellent working condition."

     "Do not substitute the word ~ darn ~ for damn, because that word means to 'sew together a hole.'  Thus closing the opening.

     I have been finding for myself and other people a substitute word, but for you, it would be better if you wrote the word on, at least, ten pieces of paper or index cards, then put a large black X over the word, place a card in every room in your apartment, one in both your car and your pant's packet."  I told Frank, "Also, tell a close friend or someone you see often that you have been told that the word ~ damn ~ is not in keeping with your profession so anytime s/he hears you say the word to say ~ beep ~ and you will give her/him a dollar.  Do not make any other changes.  Telephone me when the condition no longer exists."

     "It can't be that simple," Frank said, "but I'll try it."

     "Trying will not work, that is a weak word.  Say, 'I will do that' and there will be results."

     "Be careful," I told Frank, "that when you do your affirmation which you should say several times a day, that you do not create the reverse condition."

     About ten days later, my secretary reported a strange message on the answering machine, no name just, "All clear, thank you so much."

     Read the excellent book, 
"You Body Believes Every Word You Say" 
by Barbara Hoberman Levine.

Say what you mean
And mean what you say
All parts of my body and mind 
are in excellent condition
now and forever. ~


Greetings: I have based many of these monthly writings on quotes from family and friends.  What meaningful quotes have your family and/or friends said that you can share?  Email the quote(s) and a sentence or two concerning each, plus your name, town and state to

Copyright 2016

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Forgiving Is Enabling

     Great multitudes of books and articles as well as sermons and lectures through the ages have been produced on the subject of forgiveness.

     However, the majority seem to have missed two major aspects.
          ~ To forgive is to allow a person to avoid taking responsibility for or to have any discomfort for an action.
          ~ To forgive allows the person "To get away with" unacceptable behavior."

     By absolving the act or occurrence, it removes the opportunity for the offender to have learned the needed life lessons.

     It is bad enough when a person dishonors you, but much worse is when you have so little respect for yourself that you allow yourself to be disrespected.

     Even if the offender says, "Please forgive me," this, "Kiss and make up" so-called solution is not the solution because it makes you an enabler.

     The word ~ enabler ~ was first in public awareness through Alcoholics Anonymous, referring to people who purchased alcoholic beverages for alcoholics.

     Those enablers thought that they were being nice, so too are the people who too quickly forgive someone who has said or done a mental or physical hurtful act or action.

     As soon as the offense occurs, if you are together, tell the offender, "Your remark is unkind (hurtful, disrespectful, uncalled for).

     An often good response, instead of an angry snap back comment is to quietly ask, "What was the purpose of your remark?"

     I was pleased with myself when I responded to an insulting remark by a so-called friend by saying "Your are really amazing, I know that you have had a great deal of practice to have truly mastered the art of the insulting, hurtful remark.  If prizes were given, you would certainly win First Prize."

     If possible, I leave or if said on the telephone, I say, "Your comment is disrespectful" and I immediately discontinue the call.

     When the offender says, "Oh, I didn't really mean it."

     A response could be, "You are too smart (or intelligent) to say something that you do not mean."

     If an offender says, "Forgive me," reply with, "Why should I forgive you?  What is the benefit of such an action?  What will you do to balance your action if I decide later to do so?"

     I personally, and many other people have followed my advice after an unkind or insulting remark, I leave, I do not stay with the remark maker.

     One disrespectful, teasing or hurtful remark could, after a time, be forgiven, however, if such behavior continues, have respect for yourself ~ move on ~ to meet new to you people, who can become new friends and new experiences. 
~ Think Through All Aspects Carefully,
Avoid Being An Enabler ~


Greetings: I have based many of these monthly writings on quotes from family and friends.  What meaningful quotes have your family and/or friends said that you can share?  Email the quote(s) and a sentence or two concerning each, plus your name, town and state to

Copyright 2017

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Fathers Often Said Words

     Sad it is that only one woman and two men of the many people who I asked to tell me some of their father's often said words, could not think of even one single word.

     Were their fathers mute men?  Did they never listen, really listen to what their fathers said?  Were their fathers unimportant in their lives?  Were all of those people so involved in their own life activities that they never made time to spend any with their fathers?

     Perhaps, their childhood and adulthood was not family oriented as was mine.  Surprising too are the people with a living father, who were reluctant to discuss the topic with that parent .
~ ~ ~
     "If you play hard than the other team,
you'll beat the other team." 
David Caffery, Executive Assistant, Berkeley Heights, New Jersey says that his father regularly told him and his teammates of the travelling baseball team that he coached this worthwhile advice.  If you really want to achieve a goal, you must work diligently to obtain it.  Too many people seem to expect their goals to just magically slide into their home plate, while they leisurely watch from the side lines.
~ ~ ~
     "Take a stand for something, or you will fall for anything." 

Bob, manager of a large store in New Jersey immediately recalled that this famous quote by Alexander Hamilton is a favorite of his father's.
     A worthy quote that has inspired many people through the years.
~ ~ ~

     Joan Nathanson of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada sent a mini-biography of her most interesting, multi-skilled father.  She wrote that, "My father's teaching career began in a one-room schoolhouse as soon as he was graduated from high school.  He attended university, graduating in Honors Science and the Ontario College of Education.  He began his secondary school teaching career and except for being seconded to teach radio to young soldiers during WW II, continued there to retirement.  He and two other tech teachers developed the first radio and electronics courses in Ontario, and he authored the first high school correspondence course on electronics."    
     "After seeing a photo of water skiing in Austria in a Toronto newspaper, he built a pair of plywood skis and took me out on a lake to try water skiing.  He also built a one-man helicopter that could be towed behind a boat. Students in his class built a TV when they were first coming into production. One year, they built an electronic organ, using reeds from old pump organs that had been donated to the project. He devised hand controls for a Morris Mini-Minor station wagon for a friend of mine who was a paraplegic so that she could be independently mobile."

     "Dad had a very positive view on life: 'I can do anything anyone else can do, only slower.'  That allowed him to try his hand at the things which interested him. It also excused him from worrying about what he couldn’t do."
     ~ ~ ~
     I have quoted my Father, Loren Eastman-Bennett, numerous times in my varied writing though the years as I will continue to do.  One quote not previously mentioned is ~ "Bravale dicto" ~ a phrase that my Father often used primarily when introducing or showing my sister, our Mother and me some aspect of nature.  These words were usually spoken in a quiet tone sometimes even in a whisper when we were quietly beckoned to a window to observe a nearby bird, to see a glorious sunset, to watch dramatic lightning flashes in a night sky, interspaced with dramatic growls of thunder.
     On a mid-summer's eve, my Father woke my sister and me then whispered the two words as he beckoned to us to follow him outside, there we found a gentle rain in which we all, in pajamas and mother in her nightgown, walked out into, enjoying the wet grass under our bare feet and watching how a single rain drop made its way across a leaf.
     So many wonderful memories associated with two words that my Father had learned in a college Latin class play in which he spoke those two words.
     Bravale dicto translates as ~ "Wonders to behold," which is what he introduced to my sister and me.
~ ~ ~
     If you are a father, what words or quotes will your child or children associate with you, or will you be a blank?
Make space in your life
for long talks with your Father
just two of you, nothing electric.
Share a sunset
while sitting side by side
in lawn chairs.

How Well Do You Really Know Your Father?


Greetings: I have based many of these monthly writings on quotes from family and friends.  What meaningful quotes have your family and/or friends said that you can share?  Email the quote(s) and a sentence or two concerning each, plus your name, town and state to

Copyright 2016

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Many Mothers Messages

     On a Mother's Day, a radio reporter took a microphone out to a city sidewalk to ask a question of pedestrians.  "What words did or does your mother say often?"

     One man's quick response was
"It is nice to be important,
Important to be nice."
     Just from those few words, an impression of a caring and loving mother comes to mind  with a knowing that this man's childhood was happy.
~ ~ ~
     In great contrast is the firefighter, whose reply to the question was "Don't beat up on your brothers."  He said that he was the oldest of seven boys and that they were always fighting.
     "What kind of childhood did you have?"  I asked him. 
     "Awful, my parents were always yelling at each other and us."
     How much better would his childhood and parent's life have been if the family motto had been that of the earlier quote.
     The word ~ don't ~ is not a teaching word unless it is followed by ~ do ~ words.  Phrases such as ~ "Be nice" ~ have no value unless a child has been taught what ~ nice ~ is and how to do.
~ ~ ~
     "When in Greece
                     do as the Greeks do."
     Nancy Morrisson, Livingston, New Jersey.
     A receptionist at Restoration Pro said that her mother wanted her to honor the traditions and customs of others.
     All American passports should have those words printed prominently on them to discourage the often disgraceful behavior and demands of too many Americans when visiting other countries.
~ ~ ~
     A friend responded to the question with silence.  I started to repeat the question, but she interrupted to say, "I heard the question, I was trying to think of something, my mother was a party person, she was always going to parties or giving parties.  She did say that a woman should always have a secret bank account from her husband."
~ ~ ~
     Jane Lyle Wise, Georgetown, Texas
     A retired nurse.  She said that when she wanted to do something other children were doing, her mother often did not allow her to do so saying, "I'm only responsible for you not the other children."
     A wise mother sets her own family values and maintains them.
~ ~ ~
     Lindsay Garza, Lenexa, Kansas
     A telephone caller.  "Mothers are never sick."
     That also indicates a loving, concerned mother.
~ ~ ~
     Coming first into my mind about the most often used words of my own mother are:
"I love you, honey" and "I am so proud of you."
     These two sentences are powerful life energizers for anyone of any age, especially a child.
~ ~ ~
     If you are a mother do in-depth thinking about what words your children will automatically associate with you.
Mothers Are Wonderful
What Would We Have Done Without Them
Often Tell Your Mother You Love Her 


Greetings: I have based many of these monthly writings on quotes from family and friends.  What meaningful quotes have your family and/or friends said that you can share?  Email the quote(s) and a sentence or two concerning each, plus your name, town and state to
Copyright 2016

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Never In Thought Or Speech Will 'You' Claim...

     When writing a long running magazine series on the power of words, I converted the age old saying of ~ "Be careful what you wish for, because you might get it" into ~
In Thought or Speech
Will I
Claim or Personalize
A Situation or A Condition or A Disease
That I Do Not Want
For Myself
For Others
     This means that under no circumstances should you (or I) ever put the words ~ I have ~ in front of any 'unwanteds'.  If you discover yourself thinking or saying an 'unwanted,' firmly say, ~ 'Delete, delete, at no time will I claim that which I do not want.
     Often thought thoughts and spoken words/phrase become affirmation and affirmation become reality.
     A great multitude of people found that Affirmation to be exceedingly helpful and made copies of it to put in their car and at various places in their living and work places.
     There is a another version of that original Affirmation, you choose which one suits you best or alternate them ~
In Thought & In Speech
I Will
Claim & Personalize
The Very Best and Perfect Outcome
To A Situation, A Condition, Or A Disease
That I Need or Want
For Myself
For Others
~ All Is Well and Good In My Life ~
Greetings: I have based many of these monthly writings on quotes from family and friends.  What meaningful quotes have your family and/or friends said that you can share?  Email the quote(s) and a sentence or two concerning each, plus your name, town and state to
Copyright 2016

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Hello 2016, Now That You Are Older....

     Two, going on three months old and more 'with it,' as could be said, having finally recovered from the trauma caused by all those people worldwide who made such a racket when you first arrived with their yelling, using all manner of things to make even louder noise, fireworks, firing cannons, church bells ringing and in the south of this country, when the clock strikes midnight, everyone rushes outside with kitchen pots and lids to bang together as they run as fast as they can around the house twice.

     I am certain that even by the beginning of February, that you had realized how incredibly.....well......crazy many people often are.

     In the Great Instruction Book that has been passed from one Year to the next since recorded time began, it states that when humans repeatedly say a phrase or a sentence, it means that they really need or want whatever, and that the Year needs to contact the proper forces to make it possible.

     The tornadoes and the hurricanes that propel people and solid objects despite what weathermen may say are really the result of the increasing use of the dreadful phrase ~ (2016, Know that in no way am I saying these words, I am quoting) "I can't wrap my head around it."  Yuk!  'Grisly and dreadful,' you say 2016, and is it not strange that the speakers do not know the terrible results of repeatedly saying such a phrase.  Repetition of words and sentences create affirmations which become reality.

     "Is there a meaning beside their wish to have their heads become boneless thus flexible enough to go on several sides of a solid object?"

     "Good question, 2016, you are smart for your young age.  They might mean what was previously spoken as ~ "It is difficult to understand."

     2016, have you heard any strange phrases yet, besides the ones from politicians?

     The can?  Yes, that is another strange one ~ "Kick the can down the road."  The basic question should be....Why?  A child might do it just to make an annoying sound but an adult, why would anyone want to admit to such immature behavior?

     2016, I know that you are as baffled as I am about the can kicking ~...........yes, those are good questions, 'Where is the can kept when it is not being kicked?  'Is everyone kicking the same can?  If so, how does it get from wherever ~ down is, up to the next person?'

     'That is smart thinking 2016, your lessons in logical thinking that I sent to you from my father are advancing nicely.

     'While it is obvious that down means below where you or it is, there is another meaning relating to streets ~ the building and house numbers.  The lowest numbers start at the center of town generally, and get higher the further away they are.

     Confusing to many people in their twenties, is when the word ~ down ~ means the south, be it city or country.  Anyone older knows that the word down ~ relates to those wonderful and fascinating folded paper things (usually) called ~ Maps ~.  Generally any area below the half way horizontally is considered ~ South ~.  In this country, ~ Down South ~ is lower than just south.

     So you see, 2016, "Kicking a can down the road' can have a number of meaning.

     "Is there anything in the can?"

     Good question, 2016, I wonder for the first time if the can kicker was trying to mix the can's contents, I use to mix paint by letting the cans roll down my steep driveway.

     So 2016, disregard statements such as those two and be aware of others like them so you do not waste your time.

     Many people and I, 2016, ask that you go more slowly, you are going by much too fast.

~ Relax, enjoy where you are ~
Joan Eastman-Bennett
For Jose:  See I remembered

Friday, January 29, 2016

Steal So No One Will Ever Know

     Was it love at first sight when you saw the charming oil painting of a young child's look of wonder and delight when a beautiful orange butterfly alighted on a nearby yellow rose, and you knew that you just had to have that painting?  No need to request James Bond to do a daring, midnight heist via a long rope through a skylight.

     Nor do you need to develop accuracy with a slingshot in order to decommission the streetlight near the jewelry store window and sharpen your glass cutter in order to take the stunning, ruby and diamond necklace beautifully displayed on royal blue velvet ~ even though you really want it.

     I have devised an excellent way to steal items without anyone ever knowing; as I have been doing for many years and have taught others how to also do.

     No tools are needed to ~ mentally ~ take the 'I LOVE IT' item home with me.

     A major addition to my collection occurred when I visited my cousin, Vievia in a town near Boston and she took me to a special collection of Tiffany Silver at the famous Museum of Fine Arts.  On the drive there, I explained how I steal from museums, art galleries, stores and more recently from fine specialty mail order catalogs, Vievia loved the idea and was eager to start her own collection that day.

     The guard began to eye us with concern when Vievia and I discussed which one of the many silver objects handsomely displayed on pink linen we were each considering taking home.  Concerned, until I explained to him and several of the other exhibition viewers, my 'Steal It Home' collecting.

     Among the many advantages of this project is that many people can have the same piece.  My listeners, including the guard, were entranced and went back to look at everything again.  Several people and Vievia agreed with my choices and, also, took with them, a silver tea caddy with enameled Chrysanthemums on it and its top as well as the silver water pitcher with the tall enameled cattails on it.  No more than one piece is generally allowed from each museum or gallery, but an exception was made this time to allow for two items.  If another 'I Love It' piece is wanted, then one would need to be relinquished.

     Carry in a purse or pocket, a pen and a small notebook to record the where and what, size and pertinent facts of each of your items as well as a sketch of it. 

     As my collection increased, I soon realized that a large Display Room was needed.  Considering my house's layout, the best place for the Display Room was off of the left side adjacent to the Dining Room.

     Although there is a close neighbor house, it took just a moment of mental activity to push it and its property further to the left, so that the length of half a football field was created thus allowing ample space for the currently planned display area as well as future expansions.

     The land on which my house rests slopes towards the back, thus allowing the new room to have its front partly into the hill, while at the back, there can be a full height lower level that can open out to a terrace and garden where garden sculptures could be displayed.

     What fun and joy to imagine all this and to think of variations.

     That lower level can contain a charming small apartment for the person who will curate the collection, maintain the dust-free equipment and see to the proper installation as I have designed for each new 'I Love It' item. 

     The Dining Room was made larger and the majority of the left wall replaced with floor to ceiling glass so that the Display Room and its treasures can be easily seen by me and a person with good visualization skills.

     Often at night, sometimes while I am in pain, I mentally wander through my Treasure Room to look and again enjoy the Tiffany Silver pieces, the three large Chinese Kites hanging from the rafters at the far end of the room, some pieces by a renowned fabric artist, a large watercolor painting by a client of Queen Anne's Lace, a favorite wild flower and so many other treasured pieces and memories; it is most gratifying and calming.

     Apartment dwellers, fear not, for you too can have a Display Room for your 'Steal It Home' treasures.  Just mentally push or slide over the neighboring apartment that is adjacent to your living room's side wall.  Then visualize a handsome wide, arched doorway with double doors that open into the new room.  If there is furniture along that wall where the doors are, the furniture can be screwed to the doors, so when they are opened, that furniture will move into the next room.

     You can expand your visions by using an architectural program on your computer to create plan and elevation drawings of your Display Room, as seen from the outside, the view from inside the house looking into your Treasure Room and various vistas within that room.

~ Enjoy Stealing So You Can Have A Treasure Room
To Enjoy Forever~

Joan Eastman-Bennett