Thursday, July 28, 2016

Are You Making Yourself Sick?

     On a call-in radio program recently, a woman said, "Although, I'm sick, I just had to call to tell you that I am sick and tired of all the yelling the candidates are doing, I am really tired of it!  Neither one of them is acting with the dignity and good manners for a president.  I am sick and tired of it all!"

     Most likely, this woman does not have the slightest idea that she is strongly affirming for health conditions she would not want.  
     The woman is unknowingly experiencing the power of affirmations, repeatedly said words become reality.

     Strange is that she has not listened to herself, to her own words.  If someone were to call it to her attention, she would probably say as numerous other people have done and do ~ "Oh, its just an expression, it doesn't mean anything."

     What is so difficult to understand about the simple word ~ sick, even young children know the meaning of that word as well as the equally as obvious word ~ tired.  Most children have personally experienced the condition that those words describe and know that they are undesirable.  Where between childhood and adulthood had common sense departed?

     I am an expert on this subject because of the many unwanted conditions and situations that resulted from my previously said "ill chosen" words.

     Frank is an intelligent man with numerous talents including being a gifted healer.  There was one unnecessary word that he often used even when he gave talks.

     I was just beginning to understand the power of words. I pondered his often used word, an idea came into my mind, a question to ask Frank, a very personal question, I did not know him very well, did I dare?  I decided that God had given me this knowledge for a reason and therefore that I did not have a choice.

       Taking a deep breather, I telephoned Frank and after telling him my name, I put the expected question aside and said it as a statement instead, "You have a continuing problem with constipation, I know because of what you regularly and often say."

     "Well, yes," he said hesitantly, "but I certainly don't want it so what could I possibly be saying?"
     "You are using the word ~ damn ~ and when it is said, it could be d~a~m, which means to stop anything behind it from continuing.  Your body knows that this is a condition that you must really want because you say it so often."

     "Are you sure that I use the word a lot, I don't remember..."

  "Stop, never put the words, 'I don't' in front of the word...remember... that is also an affirmation and you want to always keep your memory and mind in excellent working condition."

     "Do not substitute the word ~ darn ~ for damn, because that word means to 'sew together a hole.'  Thus closing the opening.

     I have been finding for myself and other people a substitute word, but for you, it would be better if you wrote the word on, at least, ten pieces of paper or index cards, then put a large black X over the word, place a card in every room in your apartment, one in both your car and your pant's packet."  I told Frank, "Also, tell a close friend or someone you see often that you have been told that the word ~ damn ~ is not in keeping with your profession so anytime s/he hears you say the word to say ~ beep ~ and you will give her/him a dollar.  Do not make any other changes.  Telephone me when the condition no longer exists."

     "It can't be that simple," Frank said, "but I'll try it."

     "Trying will not work, that is a weak word.  Say, 'I will do that' and there will be results."

     "Be careful," I told Frank, "that when you do your affirmation which you should say several times a day, that you do not create the reverse condition."

     About ten days later, my secretary reported a strange message on the answering machine, no name just, "All clear, thank you so much."

     Read the excellent book, 
"You Body Believes Every Word You Say" 
by Barbara Hoberman Levine.

Say what you mean
And mean what you say
All parts of my body and mind 
are in excellent condition
now and forever. ~


Greetings: I have based many of these monthly writings on quotes from family and friends.  What meaningful quotes have your family and/or friends said that you can share?  Email the quote(s) and a sentence or two concerning each, plus your name, town and state to

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