I am certain that even by the beginning of February, that you had realized how incredibly.....well......crazy many people often are.
In the Great Instruction Book that has been passed from one Year to the next since recorded time began, it states that when humans repeatedly say a phrase or a sentence, it means that they really need or want whatever, and that the Year needs to contact the proper forces to make it possible.
The tornadoes and the hurricanes that propel people and solid objects despite what weathermen may say are really the result of the increasing use of the dreadful phrase ~ (2016, Know that in no way am I saying these words, I am quoting) "I can't wrap my head around it." Yuk! 'Grisly and dreadful,' you say 2016, and is it not strange that the speakers do not know the terrible results of repeatedly saying such a phrase. Repetition of words and sentences create affirmations which become reality.
"Is there a meaning beside their wish to have their heads become boneless thus flexible enough to go on several sides of a solid object?"
"Good question, 2016, you are smart for your young age. They might mean what was previously spoken as ~ "It is difficult to understand."
2016, have you heard any strange phrases yet, besides the ones from politicians?
The can? Yes, that is another strange one ~ "Kick the can down the road." The basic question should be....Why? A child might do it just to make an annoying sound but an adult, why would anyone want to admit to such immature behavior?
2016, I know that you are as baffled as I am about the can kicking ~...........yes, those are good questions, 'Where is the can kept when it is not being kicked? 'Is everyone kicking the same can? If so, how does it get from wherever ~ down is, up to the next person?'
'That is smart thinking 2016, your lessons in logical thinking that I sent to you from my father are advancing nicely.
'While it is obvious that down means below where you or it is, there is another meaning relating to streets ~ the building and house numbers. The lowest numbers start at the center of town generally, and get higher the further away they are.
Confusing to many people in their twenties, is when the word ~ down ~ means the south, be it city or country. Anyone older knows that the word down ~ relates to those wonderful and fascinating folded paper things (usually) called ~ Maps ~. Generally any area below the half way horizontally is considered ~ South ~. In this country, ~ Down South ~ is lower than just south.
So you see, 2016, "Kicking a can down the road' can have a number of meaning.
"Is there anything in the can?"
Good question, 2016, I wonder for the first time if the can kicker was trying to mix the can's contents, I use to mix paint by letting the cans roll down my steep driveway.
So 2016, disregard statements such as those two and be aware of others like them so you do not waste your time.
Many people and I, 2016, ask that you go more slowly, you are going by much too fast.
~ Relax, enjoy where you are ~
Joan Eastman-Bennett
For Jose: See I remembered